This game explores the fragility of ecosystems through mechanics inspired by Darwin’s evolution theory, where players balance natural elements while confronting the impact of human interference. It challenges players to reflect on the interconnectedness of life and the importance of environmental preservation.




Interactive storytelling game


Windows PC

team size



May 2023


7 months


Concept art, UI design, ResearchGameplay,
level design,UX,
user interface test,
paper prototype.

Tools Used

Wacom Tablet,

EcoHarmony stems from my deep interest in interaction design,
drawing inspiration from psychology and sociology to explore
how games can foster meaningful player experiences.
This project, focused on the proposal stage, reflects my belief
that crafting a solid concept and UX framework is key to its success.
At the time, my programming skills were limited,
so I prioritized creating a detailed proposal that emphasized
user experience design and interdisciplinary insights to shape
the game’s vision.

Core Mechanic:
Food Chain and Evolution

This project is based on research into Darwin’s theory of evolution, establishing two core mechanics: food chain dynamics and evolution rules. These mechanics simulate the complexity and fragility of natural ecosystems, allowing players to manipulate environmental factors such as wind, water, and sunlight to maintain ecological balance.

Key Design Philosophy:
Emphasizes players’ observation and intervention in natural cycles, encouraging an understanding of ecosystem interdependence.Introduces human interference as a disruptive factor as the game progresses, increasing system uncertainty and reflecting the impact of human activities on nature, thereby raising environmental awareness.Players’ choices trigger a domino effect, illustrating the profound impact of biodiversity loss on natural cycles, enhancing the game’s educational value.

User Experience Testing
and Interaction Design

To ensure smooth interaction and improved player experience, I conducted user experience evaluations using paper-based testing inspired by the Rainbow Sheet method from GDC Talks. This approach systematically analyzed player behavior and feedback when using the control system.

Testing Process:Utilized the Rainbow Sheet method to categorize player feedback across multiple dimensions (e.g., usability, responsiveness, immersion).Iteratively optimized the control system based on early prototype testing, aligning it more closely with player habits.

Information Presentation Testing:
Conducted targeted tests on data presentation in management gameplay, focusing on determining what information to display, the visual approach, and how to present it.

Designed iPad-specific interactions, such as swiping to simulate wind and tapping to adjust sunlight intensity, leveraging platform features to enhance immersion and intuitive controls.

Guidance System :
Balancing Accessibility and Immersion

For new player guidance, I designed a multi-layered system based on the principle of soft guidance. The goal was to provide assistance without disrupting flow, ensuring players of varying skill levels enjoy a smooth experience.

Environmental Awareness and Narrative Integration

By incorporating human activity as a disruptive gameplay element, the game aims to provide players with a visceral understanding of the negative impact of human behavior on ecosystems, sparking awareness of environmental conservation.Players witness the cascading effects of biodiversity loss, gaining insight into the severity of environmental issues.Educational elements are seamlessly embedded into puzzle-solving and strategy gameplay, enabling players to internalize environmental messages through interactive storytelling.